Very informative interview with Jyll Saskin Gales The Google Pro (from her largely followed Google Ads Tips from on TikTok channel). We get into some great content from her years of experience auditing MANY accounts, including million dollar ad account audits.

Key insights

  • ? The experience of auditing accounts for private clients and from working at Google has provided valuable insights and lessons learned over the years.
  • ? There’s a real misunderstanding or just not desire to learn the fundamentals of how Google ADS works, especially in accounts managed by people who know what they’re doing. We need to all be continuously learning.
  • ? “So for example if I see a non-brand campaign that has less than 10 impression share I consider that a red flag because that means all the effort you’re putting into your creative and your keywords and your bid strategy not on and on is pretty moot like more than nine and ten times you’re not even showing an ad and that’s a big problem true.”
  • ? While it’s not the main factor, don’t forget about Quality Score when optimizing your campaigns, in addition to Conversions and ROAS. QS can help give you a boost.
  • ? “Your brand quality score on your brand keywords is 5 out of ten like. It should be 9 or 10 out of ten so something’s not right.” Usually if an account is setup correctly, your Quality Score will take care of itself.
  • ? Focusing exclusively on conversions and revenue from ads overlooks important intermediate metrics that point to areas needing improvement in ad campaigns. Conversions and Revenue come first, but don’t forget the other metrics when diagnosing issues.
  • ? “Approaching audits with the mindset of collaboration and open discussion can lead to productive conversations and improvements, rather than confrontation and defensiveness.”
  • ? The mindset of wanting to go back to the way things were does us a disservice because it will eventually go away and leave you royally screwed.
  • ? Personalized and empathetic ad content can stand out much more than just shoving keywords into the headline and description.
  • Find more from Jyll here: and TikTok The Google Pro



Video Transcript:

there we go so I’ll edit this because you know I’ll do like five ticks um don’t laugh at me um

I always get stuck with the intro okay so you’ve you’ve done a ton of Google audits formally worked at Google Now a Google coach Google trainer what’s what’s some of the most common things you see as you go through audits I mean even experts in bigger accounts they’ll just be little things that they miss I mean what what are some most common issues you see to avoid during setup and optimization based on all the optimizations or uh account audits that you’ve gone through quite a few over the years both when I worked at Google and part of my role of audit accounts then of course in the two and a half years since doing lots of audits for private clients

I’d say first off for the obvious little like camping settings mistakes where I can tell that the person who set up the campaign just probably didn’t have much training and awareness in Google ads so things like you know opting a search campaign into search partners and display network is that always a mistake no is it usually a mistake yes in my opinion if you never check on it later to see how it’s doing or uh what are some other common ones like not setting up um keywords with the right match types you know again broad match is not wrong but if you’re spending twenty dollars a day and you’ve never checked your Search terms reports and you’re on manual bidding it’s probably not going to be driving good results for you yeah so those are some of the more obvious ones but I think when I get more into accounts that are clearly managed by people who know what they’re doing and I’m just more there to give a second opinion or to use it as a basis for coaching I think there’s a real either misunderstanding or just not desire to learn like the fundamentals of how Google ADS works you know thinking about the auction and search impression share and quality score and how the various bid strategies trade-off reach versus efficiency like these are the places I think people can get really caught up if they’re too focused on what’s my tactic what’s my tactic and not like holistically how is this campaign trying to work yeah a couple of things I wanted to pull aside on that because a lot of times the experts you know people that have been doing it forever like us and a lot of the people that have their own channels uh or or courses or or do a lot of audits things like that the experts will debate you know it’s it’s all about you know return on ad spend or Roi if you want to go to a higher level or conversion rates CPA uh or if you go even connect your CRM all the way back to leads that closed what was the value of the lead and then coming back to that for that’s for like Enterprise level but you mentioned kind of things you’re not supposed to mention so I wanted to go back on that you know there’s quality score search impression share which is kind of that battle that Google’s like you know hey you need to get your quality score up and a lot of experts it’s like who cares you know it’s lead generation or search impression chair don’t care it’s e-commerce or something like that so how do you how do you balance that without kind of giving in to Quality score and clicks and fluff but you need to keep an eye on that but you need to focus on the main thing that keeps clients or if you’re in-house or running your own account keeps keeps the ads profitable how do you shift between all these different metrics search impression share doesn’t matter so that’s the short sentence all that matters is rows watch that roe has an equation that comes from somewhere yeah the search impression share is something I focus on a lot because when you look at search impression sure search is lost due to rank and then search is loss to the budget you’re finding out how much of the available opportunity are you capturing how much are you missing and why are you missing it so for example if I see a non-brand campaign that has less than 10 impression share I consider that a red flag because that means all the effort you’re putting into your creative and your keywords and your bid strategy not on and on is pretty moot like more than nine and ten times you’re not even showing an ad and that’s a big problem true and conversely with Brands like if your brand campaign only has 20 impression share on

your brand you know is it because there’s competitive conquesting going on is it because your brand campaign isn’t really a brand campaign because it has broad match on your serving on a bunch of other stuff is it because your ads are terrible and people aren’t clicking because they don’t think you’re gonna be a result so I don’t think optimizing for the search impression share itself right is the thing that matters but looking at it and helping to understand why it’s a certain way can help you diagnose a lot of different issues in The Campaign which in turn will improve performance like another common thing I see especially at smaller budget accounts is they’ll have like a hundred keywords in a campaign with a 50 day budget and that’s just not gonna work like cpcs aren’t that low it’s not worth it and so search impression share helps us diagnose that if we see a really low search impression share so that’s how there I find it can be really helpful and then seeing it for losing out due to rank tells me to check on quality score which I know can be a controversial thing or check if the bid strategy Target is not right and if we’re in a maximize [ __ ] right so it’s a really helpful problem solving tool and I think um in my opinion a constant place of arrogance some people like oh I don’t need to look at that I’m just going to focus on my row as yeah and and I agree with that I think there’s primary and secondary metrics and and I think a lot of times that I mean that could even borderline with kind of the fake Guru like here’s a hack you know here’s break the algorithm and just any other buzzword you want to throw in there for kind of Click bait I I think ignoring it isn’t good but not making it the primary and that that crisscrosses to a beginner thing like hey I got a great quality score impression shares up click-through rate’s awesome got cpcs down let’s call it a day it’s like uh no what’s it is it Legion are you completely ignoring conversion conversion rate and cost per conversion or uh with with e-commerce you know what’s what’s your row as well I mean that’s one metric and then also you could break down a lot more um you know average order value and things like that so I think uh also to jump back to Quality score I mean people debate that a lot but it it can yeah

of you improving quality score from six to ten is what drives results yeah I’m saying the things you need to do to your keywords your ad and your landing page to improve your quality score from six to ten are the things that are going to help improve the performance of your account so I find it such a helpful tool because again if someone’s like why are my brand cpcs really high it doesn’t make sense and we look and it’s like well your brand quality score on your brand keywords is 5 out of ten like it should be 9 or 10 out of ten so something’s not right and then we look and it’s the expected CTR that’s like really low why is that oh we can dive in and look at the ads and figure out why or like hey your landing page experience for your brand is really low let’s check that hey what do you know like your website you know isn’t loading quickly or isn’t mentioning your brand so it’s not again that we want to optimize for Quality score it’s that it’s a tool that can help Focus us on what really matters because I find I coach and teach a lot of beginners um and I don’t find that they’re exclusively focused on ctrs CPC I actually find the opposite they’re exclusively focused on conversions Revenue row ads yeah and they don’t look at all into the pieces that get them there so again does it matter better at the end of the day if your CTR is high or low no but if we’re looking at a non-brand campaign and it has a 20 CTR

I know that obviously brand is sneaking in there because that’s not what non-brain ctrs look like so these intermediate metrics that a lot of people ignore I like to dive into those in an audit because that points me to the places that need Improvement and have been overlooked and that by going to the source you know fixing that ad copy or adjusting those match types or whatever it might be we can actually impact overall performance rather than just saying ah how do I increase conversion rates like where do you even start with a question like that without the other context yeah and and that makes sense and and yeah 20 CTR maybe it’s just the best ad ever on that’s pretty uh sometimes like like we manage a lot of Home Services I’ll see that when it’s like AC repair near me a lot of times you’ll get 20 and 30 or even 20 and 30 conversion rate because it you click you just go one after the other are you available today yes or no and then you call the next one you call the next one so that one can have really high but when it’s like B to b or software or something like 20 and 30 percent it’s like that’s extremely high for for some Industries and I I think yeah that’s a click-through rate thing uh or obviously just going back to to Google 101 if you’re not getting clicks you’re not going to get the conversion so quality score that’s kind of best practices anyway in your quality score just again Google ads 101 just grouping together their keywords having the keyword in the ad having the keyword on the landing page and relevant content it if you’re doing that anyway you’re gonna kind of take care of your quality score on your own uh rather than 10 or 15 years ago maybe you know let’s focus on quality score all day it’s like best practices kind of takes care of itself and that’s exactly why it’s helpful because I think a lot of people either jump ahead it’s not that they don’t know the best practices you know they’ve managing the account for five years or the agency may be great but they’ve got a junior on it or whatever it might be and so going back to these funds like how does the ad option work you know we have price and we have quality and let’s review the bid strategy and search impression share helps with that let’s review the quality score not because those metrics need to improve but because it focuses us on what we can do in

this account that we all get blind spots we’ve been doing something for a really long time yeah and and I think that’s why even in-house companies or other agencies I mean we’ve done training for other agencies bring in you know train our junior level people or just a second set of eyes the the person you’re doing on audit for could be at the same level even higher than you and they’re smart enough to know let’s bring in other people and and look at things so that’s I think he brought up a good point even you know an Enterprise level account or somebody’s been running it for five years and they themselves have 10 years of experience are you thinking that a lot of times when maybe it’s an aggressive CPA or row as or something and it it it it dropped 10 or 15 and they’re already taking care of best practices they’re saying that’s when you dig in to okay let’s look at your quality score let’s look at your impression share let’s look at some some other things that can help you give that that little bump you’re saying kind of holistically that’s where it would fit in well I think regardless you know I want to do an audit have a process I follow like how I start looking at account how I dive in whether it’s an account with one search campaign spending twenty dollars a day or whether it’s an account that has 20 campaigns of every single format and is spending hundreds of thousand dollars a month and that’s why I think it’s so important to start at these fundamental steps before diving right into the super deep super Advanced things because that’s often where I find things that have been skipped or missed or ignored um you know how often do I go into an account that’s actively managed by an agency but I can see there are blatantly like high volume Search terms coming through that are not being negative doubt now look if they’re a strong believer in automated bidding then they don’t need to negative them out and that’s fine I think this brings a second important point that when I do an audit I always always force myself to approach with humility like just because

something is done in a way that I would not do or I noticed something that I think is wrong I always try to assume best intent and assume that this isn’t being managed by idiots and there’s a reason things have been done that’s a good approach yeah and looking at these fundamentals can really help so if I see that I’m like hmm why haven’t they done this you know is there a reason for that What might explain this and often that can be really telling as well rather than saying this is wrong saying well let’s assume this is done for a reason what might that reason be and that can often help uncover new things and New Opportunities and I can tell like my audits often get shared with an agency or whoever’s managing and sometimes they take it really poorly like once someone the client sent me wrote a five page rebuttal of my audit wow and I was like if that’s how you want to spend your time you’re obviously the problem you know like I word I never say this is wrong this is bad I always say I would recommend testing this I recommend trying this have you considered this so if you you know that’s a red flag about that agency whereas others who are like this is really interesting you know I don’t agree with all this maybe let’s hop on a call and talk about it like great yeah let’s do that so do you do some back and forth you mentioned you know just assuming it’s not run by idiots which is a great approach if you’re doing an audit if you’re an outside consultant because you know sometimes you won’t go in there it’s like this is crap I could do way better you don’t want to be arrogant sometimes people have their guard up already if you’re training another agency or it’s the owner or it’s the owner’s kid or something so you don’t want to say oh whoever’s running this is an idiot yeah so you do want to be be careful with that um because I’ve I’ve had those before like it’s a relative that’s running it so tread lightly uh yeah this is my son he’s learning Google it’s like oh sorry not best practices like start backpedaling and rewording really fast um but on going back to that the um when you’re suggesting things and you’re kind of like okay this one has this this

search term has a lot of volume with no conversions still not paused or I don’t really understand why this is still in here when it’s not working does that open up a discussion or do you just send it on the report how do you how do you handle that when something doesn’t make sense and you do want to open up a conversation not just bash them and kind of hey you’re an idiot fix this yeah so with my audit the first page is always just like a summary scorecard red yellow green kind of traffic light model yeah on like 20 things across an account so that The quick summary they can see how are they doing and then the length of it is usually again I don’t like to go crazy in depth it’s maybe uh two to five pages depending on the size of the account where I write out you know I don’t use like I observe this and here’s what I would recommend like I observe you have you know an RSA and every single ad group and they all have sufficient assets and like this looks good or I might say I observe that only two of your ad groups have rsas and 10 of them don’t and ETS were deprecated a while ago and so I would recommend that you set up some rsas to test using existing ETS as a guide like that’s how I’ll write the whole thing okay and if there’s something I see that I don’t understand I might say like I notice you’re using X bid strategy given that your results are this I think you might see better results using why bid strategy I recommend testing why bib strategy with such and such Target and then when my audit is delivered my service is complete that’s the audit if people want to book a call they can and that comes at a separate charge um but I consider it like a fully delivered thing it gives directions on what to test I may ask questions and of course if they want to discuss we can discuss and I’d say it’s like two-thirds of the time it just gets delivered and it’s done and then maybe a third of the time they want to discuss and often they want help implementing it if they’re not working with an agency and then I refer to someone else or I do it like in a one-on-one coaching call with the business owner makes sense uh yeah just staying neutral with it that sounds like it’s it’s the best way to do it um yeah there’s no need for about like um Google ads are morally neutral right they’re not like good or bad there’s no morals Associated

well some people would argue with that you know the Google ads is evil kind of yeah like if someone’s done something a certain way that doesn’t make them a bad or a good person it doesn’t make me a bad or a good person but yeah it’s just like leaving the emotions there’s enough emotions in business and enough emotions on social media let’s just leave that out of it the goal here is to help this business get the best results from Google ads and so anyone who’s touching this account has the same goal as me and let’s just try to work together to help them get the best results from Google ads yeah and focus on the data just be neutral kind of what’s working what isn’t with the numbers I I think that’s that’s a great approach uh one one thing you mentioned uh the rsas one I want to hit some points for for experts too there’s a little bit for experts a little bit for beginners um I don’t think anyone’s figured this out it’s kind of like performance Max uh you read something different every single time what do you recommend for rsas do you have one and fill it all in do you have two fill it halfway in do you pin it and mimic ETS you do oh no I like that one I don’t because I know people are saying ETS were great and they were better than ours fine I’m not debating that sure okay maybe they did for you but they’re gone and so I think this mindset of I want to go back to the way things were does us a disservice because while that may still work but it’s sort of also my opinion like the feed only pmax yeah it’s like okay that may work well for you now because it’s mimicking what you’ve known has worked well in the past but you know that that’s going to go that option will go away just you know with Google it keeps evolving it will go away and then when it does you’re going to be royally screwed and you’ll have really screwed your client because you missed out on all this time to learn and adapt and change before you had a fire under your butt so yeah and that’s that phase I recommend having at least 10 headlines you don’t need all 15 15’s like and that’s but at least 10 headlines okay at least three descriptions I don’t recommend pinning unless there’s like um uh regulatory reason why you might need to do so um and the one thing I will so like I do recommend having good or excellent ad strength again not because ad strength matters but because the things you need to do to achieve that are things that generally help so if you have a poor ad strength I’m not going to say you’re bad at Google ads and you’re wrong because your ad string is poor like if you have a conquesting campaign of course your ad strength is going to be poor but if I see that

I’m going to dive in and look and usually I find oh you only have three headlines or you have ten headlines but they’re all exactly the same they’re not unique it points in the direction you know of what we’re looking for and and I will say as PPC practitioners I think something we as Google as practitioners I should say are like not good at generally is the creative aspect the ad aspect yeah you know our comfort zones are usually data the keywords in the audiences and the targeting the bidding and it’s not writing compelling copy finding compelling imagery and creating compelling videos and of course what does a user see the ad yeah that’s it and they decide to click or they don’t and we over complicated in the background so that’s a place where me personally I’m trying to work on that skill set and I think in general we can all work on that and it’s something I didn’t used to look at in my audience but I do now and I think even that’s telling me I would audit an account I’d look at all the metrics around an ad but I wouldn’t read that yeah whereas now like I read the ad and I might say like hey in a much more polite way like this ad is not very compelling or it doesn’t include your keywords or it doesn’t have any call to action it’s not highlighting what’s unique about your product and in general most Google ads folks I think we don’t look at that we’re like oh yeah the client just gives us the creative and we go so that’s another big blind spot and something I’m seeing more and more when I audit accounts of what can be improved yeah definitely a lot of good takeaways there I I like the personal one I I learned that uh I don’t know I was years ago but I I saw um one ad they were doing everyone had the same one I think it was for an attorney it was like personal injury attorney personal injury attorney it said it and then someone did a question like do you need some help are you struggling or something and it’s like that ad stands out so much more than just shoving the

keyword in the headline as the first thing in the description and just shove in that keyword which is like you said a PPC practitioner just just data really black and white it’s like you know that given the situation why you’d get a personal injury attorney you’re hurt you don’t know what to do you do you car accident hit by an 18-wheeler I mean we’ve all seen the commercials that one just kind of like hey do you need some help are you struggling you know we’ll we’ll help sort this thing out for you you know get things back on track it’s like that’s very personal which is usually a Facebook ad uh you know some of them are like they hire a writers for a big tear-jerker story and it’s like why doesn’t that go over to Google we just write these really boring ads to hit your ad strength or your quality score and it’s like you know human beings are reading this when it comes back to quality score that’s like expected CTR um as part of quality score I find so instructive because if I have what is objectively a good CTR but then my expected CTR is below average and not just on one keyword like across an ad group then that tells me okay my competitors are getting a better CTR than me my ad is not resonating with my audience or my keywords are wrong but let’s go you know along the storyline so and then I’ll look at my ad and I’ll look at the competitors ads and like you said it suddenly makes sense why I’m not standing out so again that’s where these various tools can be really helpful because there’s a million things you could focus on in a Google ads what’s going to have the most impact yeah definitely uh you mentioned some of that when you’re looking at the audits kind of your your checklist uh one of them and another Hot Topic is the bidding strategies because that beginners get confused with it just turn on turn on maximize conversions and it maximize conversions that’s it it does what it says and it doesn’t and then uh even experts you can get stuck you you know you have a Target row as and it hits it and then it just tanks it’s like well do I put it back down do I put it back up so I switch to max conversion so I just go manual because I’m just pissed and I just manual CPC not even enhanced I’m so mad at Google I’m gonna do it myself enhance is going away anyways well yeah so and who knows what’s coming next um but because that’s a big debate too A lot of people say I will do manual forever you know other people say I launch a brand new account the blank slate with um automated which is a lot of people say never do so what are your thoughts on that what do you suggest for clients because automated doesn’t always work it you have to still pull the levers yeah I very rarely use manual CTC I can see the use case for it

what was shopping you have to when you start at least um and in a brand search campaign like I can see the utility there yeah other than that I don’t recommend it and it’s really because automated bidding strategies take into account so much more information than any one person can optimize for so it knows it takes like a million different signals for every single auction and people can’t do that and even if you’re not buying into the Google momo jumbo just think about it practically like a PPC practitioner’s job five years ago and before that was to optimize bids and Export spreadsheets look and that’s just not the job anymore so it sort of similar to my answer before if you want to stick in that comfort zone okay stick in that comfort zone but I think if you’re achieving outsized results those results could have been achieved with smart bidding anyway and if you’re not achieving outside results you’re like missing out on all the learning so I am someone who will will start a new account on Max conversions um if automated bidding is not working it’s usually because the budget is not big enough which means there’s not enough conversion data for it to work so that’s always the cash 22 when you’re dealing with a larger account to me it’s a no-brainer smart bidding works yeah with plenty of money it’ll just figure it out smaller accounts accounts smart bidding data

it is like okay where’s the finish line and you’re like oh that’s a good point that’s what you’re doing with smart bending with a low budget so it’s like okay you just told me to start running I have no idea where I’m running to I guess I’ll just start running and shock her the kid doesn’t make it to the Finish Line um so the key is having good data for it to learn from so when people say smart bidding doesn’t work pmax doesn’t work insert something here and Google ads doesn’t work I’m not going to be arrogant enough to say you’re wrong of course it works but I find usually when you probe deeper what didn’t work is that there wasn’t enough data to feed the things so it could work which usually comes down to not enough budget and that’s where I see a real hole in Google ads right now as we leverage more and more automation is that smaller accounts spending like 50 bucks a day or less you know on Google ads are just totally left in the dust yeah and you know we we’ve gone through some of those sometimes automated bidding can work and you’ll get a 30 to 50 CPA which this which is the target which is kind of the number per day so it can work but that transitions into something else I wanted to cover do you do the portfolio bidding to keep some of the competitors one where you can get a hundred to a 200 CPA you know like attorneys or something like that do you do portfolio bidding and put a Max CPC in there because a lot of people are saying that’s you absolutely have to or it’s going to go wild or just leave it at maximize conversions it’ll figure it out leave those 200 clicks alone they’ll go away what are your thoughts on on portfolio bidding there’s not a yeah there’s not again that’s like a hacker workaround to put some

yeah and that’s one where if cpcs are really an issue and budget is not going to be high enough to be able to support the 200 click mistakes um then yes I would recommend that but from the get-go starting brand new this is something you always must do like no I wouldn’t recommend it that way there’s a lot of different like tactics and things we can try once things aren’t working but I don’t like to put all those things in place in anticipation that something might not work because you may actually be shooting yourself in the foot again so if you say okay like have fun at school today but don’t talk to strangers and don’t bring any nuts and make sure you keep your clothes on and don’t scream and on and on and on and on and on okay go have fun it’s like what yeah let the kid go They’re Gonna scrape their knee and they’re gonna whatever and you know and they’ll figure it out um if you can give them the time and patience to figure it out but I know not all businesses can and so that’s where some of these things can be helpful absolutely yeah that that’s a great analogy man I I can’t think of it like a a toolbox you know you can’t say a hammer is the best tool always use a hammer it’s like well if you need a wrench or you need a screwdriver a hammer is pretty useless it’s just going to cause a lot of problems so you can’t just say this is the one tool I use it’s like you need all of them so you could jump in and do portfolio bidding sometimes we’ve seen that sometimes you get two and three hundred dollar clicks when you should be around 30 or 40 it just spikes randomly so keep that in check but some of them we don’t have that it’s Max conversions it stays in check maybe occasionally you get a more expensive one but but we didn’t jump on that

when launching the campaign it’s like just let it bid and see what it does and and I think it’s gotten better uh over the last year I don’t see it just burn cash nearly as much for some reason now a year or two ago it would just seem like it’d just go crazy with with the CPC machine learning learns right these things are getting better I think your Hammer analogy is so good when people myself will say like what pmaps doesn’t work for lead gen it’s sort of like trying to screw a nail trying to screw not a screw trying to screw a screw into the wall with a hammer and you’re like well the hammer doesn’t work yeah well I know that it’s very challenging to make pmax for Legion work because you must have an integrated CRM offline conversion track yeah businesses don’t have so saying it doesn’t work when you haven’t set it up in a way to enable it to work I think well it’s true for you but it’s not true that the format overall just doesn’t so same with smartphone well smart bidding didn’t work for me it’s marketing terrible it’s terrible it’s like well that doesn’t mean it’s always terrible you know and I worry that we have too much of this like homogeny thing in our industry of like because things haven’t worked before or because we’ve already done things a certain way it has to continue that way and it’s like no change is inevitable so let’s try to embrace the change doesn’t mean we need a gung-ho like Lemmings follow every Google ads recommendation um but sticking our heads in the sand is doing no one you know a service either yeah definitely that that’s like the the Skaggs thing you have to do this single keyword ad groups for people that don’t remember those it’s like you absolutely have to there’s nothing else to do it’s like uh let’s try some different methods uh but yeah and and a lot of the experts are coming out with that you know Ed leaks done some stuff with that and miles from PPC Mastery just kind of fixing the I know I’m missing like 20 other people but the the the Legion for performance Max you know they covered that connecting it to the CRM or phone calls uh I think that was Miles actually putting a uh like a a five minute cap on it or something so you know or minimum so it’s a good phone call or your CRM feeding back it’s like you can and and that would be a bigger company that has a huge CRM that has a sales team and a sales manager that’s better for performance Max anyway if you put 20 bucks a day for your local Legion it’s like that’s not it’s not meant to do that if you have a thousand a day maybe they’re not twenty dollars like it’s not yeah a thousand dollars a day and which of course you’re gonna have Salesforce or

something and you’re gonna have 20 people on the sales team and they they could mark it and if it goes to a sale it goes all the way back and goes into Google analytics adds the value puts the value back in and you’re gonna have all that stuff anyway it’s just a tiny account wouldn’t really work for performance Max in the first place so yeah there’s pointers there’s no absolutes and that that gets kind of Click bait uh anyway here’s the one way to do it like when I worked at Google I had clients who spent a million dollars a day on Google ads so like that’s really different than you know yeah the client spending even a thousand dollars a day or a hundred dollars a day or ten dollars a day um and so at that scale of course everything works really well and smart bidding works and Broad match works and so I think that’s just a blind spot I know people have to crap on Google reps um and not all Google reps are part of that same team I was part of but it’s just like um in my opinion a lot of product development at Google happens based around those large clients they’re the ones who test everything and get the betas and get food service and whatever and so like yeah of course this works it’s like well let me tell you about Joe schmo’s Corner Store who can only spend 20 a day like shockingly yeah that solution is going to work over here um that doesn’t make the solution bad yeah a million dollars a day machine learning will learn in a couple of days um and it’s done like broad match anything

teams dedicated to testing yeah and they could just throw in a keyword that’s the other thing they could spend 200 Grand and say well that didn’t work anyone else you’re probably going out of business if you wasted 200 Grand on something that produced nothing so there a lot of different testing I do want to Circle back to that because you know everyone Rags on Google wraps so mention Google rev so we did another interview the Teleperformance outsourced call center pretty much a sales team you know spend more money apply all the things that’s Teleperformance that’s a different company that Google outsources too so I wanted to clarify that that’s a very small account yeah and a lot of people have problems with them and some of those reps not all of them some of them take it too far and they call constantly they could be borderline harassing and and it’s not all of them it’s some some bad apples and they get all over the Internet like I can’t believe what my Google rep did the Google rep you were that’s different you were on a different team yeah so there’s Google reps who like work for Google even within that whole range um smaller accounts medium accounts larger accounts and even within the ones who work for Google you’re gonna find aggressive ones and not as aggressive ones sure yeah they’re good and bad but all Google reps are sales people there’s quotas and you know even if you’re in like in the group I was in um it’s called large customer sales and the amount you have to spend for that is different by country but my clients were spending millions of dollars a year on the low end of Google and then kind of out from there um we’re still sales people yeah um but we’re able to be much more helpful sales people when we have two or three clients to support with our 40 hour work weeks rather than in other parts of the organization where a googler may have 150 clients to support yeah with their 40 Hour Work Week so like I was actually a

specialist so I was never the main point of contact for a client my specialty was International growth and I worked across a wide portfolio of clients helping with International growth so I would do really cool like Insight sessions and here’s how to expand to Germany and let’s translate your campaigns and all these amazing Services um because clients were spending a lot of money yeah but it’s still sales it’s still the goal to get them to get great results so we’ll spend more yeah and and the other team at Google or agency reps and things like that can be extremely helpful and and not ever even everybody at Teleperformance more so the call center to to get everybody to spend more is is a bad person it’s just really focusing on some of the the bad practices and those can stay in check but yeah you were more on the internal team and then now gone off on your own so I think that experience and a lot of people at Google can be extremely helpful when you you get into betas and all these other programs are you working with millions and millions of dollars of accounts when you go to these other accounts like hey I have a lot of insight for you you can learn a lot so yes please what do you have so I I think that’s great but it uh where it looks like we’re about at time so I’ll link to everything below for you know if people want to reach out to you get an audit get some coaching uh thanks so much for for coming on this this was extremely helpful yeah it’s been a pleasure thanks so much Chris thanks all right everyone thanks so much for watching our PPC ads training video uh if you want more videos go ahead and hit the Subscribe button uh like this video if you found it useful and any questions post them in the comments down below we also have additional training in the description so thanks so much for watching and we’ll see you in the next video

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