If you want your business to succeed with its online marketing, it can sometimes be surprising just how much there is to consider on that front. Two of the major common aspects do need to be incorporated into each other if you want to see quicker success with both of them. Your sales and marketing teams work much better if they can influence each other, and the use of two certain digital marketing tools in tandem can help that to happen well. We are talking about the use of a Customer Relationship Management system in accordance with Pay-Per-Click advertising. But why are these two important, and why should you ensure that they are linked?

The Importance Of CRM
Customer Relationship Management systems vary hugely, but the one thing they do share in common is that they all center around improving your relationship with the customer and tracking sales cycles. This is especially true when using a contact syncing tool. These days, there are a huge number of pieces of software you can get hold of in order to do this as effectively as possible. CRM does indeed come in many forms – but it is often at its most powerful when it is aligned with your PPC advertising as one cohesive whole.

PPC Explained
These days, if you want to see your website gain popularity on the search engines, there are a number of things you can do to make that happen. Much of what you can do towards this end constitutes the practices known as Search Engine Optimization. This will involve a number of attempts to use keywords along with other tools to get the website raised in the rankings. But SEO is not the only way to achieve such results. PPC advertising on the search engines is a faster approach to showing your company on at the top of search engines in the ad section. PPC allows you to target specific keywords your potential customers are searching on Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines. With all of the valuable data you get from running these ad campaigns, it makes sense to integrate this into your CRM as well.

Getting More Details On Your Leads
When your CRM is linked with your PPC advertising, it essentially means that you end up with much more data to work with. PPC advertising platforms already give you the performance data for campaigns, ads, keywords, and more, but adding it to the CRM takes it to the next level. Over time, you can determine which ads and keywords turn into actual sales, and what dollar amounts. This will help you filter out low quality leads and focus your advertising on leads that convert into sales. In a PPC platform alone, you are only able to see what ad targeting is turning into leads, not whether or not they are good leads, this is where your CRM integration comes into play.

Easy Integration
Something that is definitely good news here is that most modern CRM systems do actually integrate seamlessly with the PPC process. With this symbiotic relationship between the two going on, it means that you are much more likely to be able to improve both. The more you are making use of your CRM as you get deeper into PPC, the better the results will be, so this is definitely worth bearing in mind. Easy integration of the two also means that you won’t need to worry about timescale being an issue. When a business saves time but brings in more customers, you know something is going right. Most CRMs are able to integrate into Google Adwords and other systems with just a few clicks, without technical knowledge needed. For Salesforce CRM users, Google has an easy integration outlined in this help article – https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6179720?hl=en

Sales & Marketing Become More Cohesive
The most tempting thing of all, however, is the overarching way in which your sales and marketing teams will become more cohesive. If you start linking your CRM efforts to your PPC advertising, you will rapidly notice a huge change in the way that these two teams influence each other. They will benefit each other greatly, and this will mean that you can expect to see greater things in your business in no time at all. This takes the guess work out of figuring out which advertising method is bringing in the best leads that are converting into sales. Now you will have hard data to make a better marketing decision.

Consider linking your CRM to your PPC advertising as soon as you have the chance. You might find that it radically changes how your entire sales and marketing functions, and improves both for the better.

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