When it comes to Website marketing, AdWords can be one of the best ways to generate clients for a business.

However, if you have no experience with AdWords, it can be tough figuring out how you’re going to get results with the platform.

Luckily, there are some proven steps you can follow that will help you create a successful AdWords Campaign.

In fact, if you keep reading, you’ll discover 8 tips you can put into action right now, to create and maintain profitable AdWords campaigns throughout 2018.

Let’s begin!

1. Focus on a Creating a Funnel

If you want your AdWords campaigns to produce the best return on investment possible, you need to think about creating a funnel. A funnel is simply a process that allows you to turn a stranger, into a customer.

A funnel will help produce better results, than if you sent people to a page that asked them to buy something straight away. That is because you’ve taken the time to develop a relationship.

Perhaps the easiest way to create a funnel is with the help of email marketing. You can set this up by having people sent to a landing page, that asks people for their email address. By providing their email address, the people who click your ad will be given something in return.

What you provide, is going to depend on your industry. You might provide a free eBook that helps the person solve a problem. If you are a talented writer, this isn’t as difficult as it sounds – just follow the 9 steps on how to publish an ebook. You could also provide a free trial of your software if that’s what you’re trying to generate sales for.

2. Work on Split Testing

If you want to increase your chances of success, you need to implement split testing. You need to split test both your ads and your landing pages.

Ideally, you don’t want to split test both at the same time. If you do, it will be hard to figure out what actually lead to an uptick or downturn in results.

AdWords provides a specialized feature that lets you split test. You can use platforms like Optimizely to help you split test your landing pages.

3. Think About the Buyer’s Journey

If the best keywords for your industry cost too much – you can still get results with AdWords. All you have to do is target keywords that focus on earlier stages of the Buyer’s Journey. More specifically, the Awareness stage. If you can’t decide what keywords would suit you best, consulting with agencies, like a Pay Per Click (PPC) agency who specialize in keywords, you can figure out what keywords would suit your business best.

For example, suppose you sell gardening services. People in the ‘decision stage’ might be searching ‘landscaping company.’ However, this keyword might be too expensive.

But the Awareness keyword – ‘how to improve garden’ might be cheaper. If you have a good funnel in place, you will be able to sell landscaping services, to the people searching this keyword. That’s because you’ll be able to sell them on the idea that your landscaping services, will be the best way to improve their garden.

4. Watch Your Match Types

If you want to maintain tight control over your campaign, you need to pay close attention to the match types you are using.

If you ignore this, you might end up targeting keywords you didn’t mean to.

For people who are new to AdWords, it’s a good idea to focus on ‘Exact Match’ targeting. This means your ads will only be shown for the specific keywords you have selected. When you begin to get some results, you can then focus on the other match types.

5. Learn How Remarketing Works

Remarketing can help you increase the number of conversions you’re able to generate with a campaign.

Remarketing with AdWords can be quite complex nowadays. For beginners, it can be a good idea to set up a simple Google Display Network remarketing campaign.

But when you have a bit more experience you can focus on running other kinds of remarketing campaigns – perhaps on YouTube.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you may even want to try ‘Remarketing Lists for Search Ads.’ This is where you remarket to people within the search listings. This can help you run campaigns that target keywords which would have otherwise been out of your budget.

There’s also the option of remarketing using ‘Customer Match.’ This is where you upload a list of customer emails and then run campaigns shown exclusively to the people on the list.

6. Monitor Conversions

The last thing you want to do is waste money when running your campaigns. By monitoring your conversions, you’ll be able to reduce the chances of this happening.

To monitor conversions, you will need to install a specialist pixel on your site. If you have no experience dealing with website code, you can hire a freelance web developer to help you with this.

When monitoring your conversions, review which keywords are generating a lot of clicks but low conversions. These are the keywords you need to stop running. It might even be a good idea to connect your AdWords account to your Analytics account to access highly-detailed campaign data.

7. Experiment with Your AdWords Campaign

If you want to get out of the ordinary results, you need to try out of the ordinary things.

Every month you should assign a percentage of your AdWord budget on running experiments that go against your ideas of best practice. This might sound like an odd thing to do, but it can help you discover innovative ways of marketing.

For example, you might make a radical change to the ad copy. You might change your landing page from short form to long form. You might even try a totally new ad format.

8. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Running AdWords campaigns can be tricky. If you’re struggling, you can always reach out to a digital marketing agency and ask them for help.

If you are going to do that, ask them if they can provide any testimonials. This will help you judge the quality of their work. When working with digital marketing agencies, don’t spend too little. If you do, it could lead to you working with someone who cuts corners, causing you to experience subpar results.

Awesome AdWords?

If run the right way, an AdWords campaign can transform a business. In this post, we’ve taken a look at 8 things you can do to run a successful AdWords campaign of your own.

There’s a lot to take in here, so it’s okay if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Just focus on one of the things we’ve covered and soon enough, you’ll be ready to move onto the next strategy.

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