As a small business, not many people know about you. If you are reading this, you must also believe you don’t have enough customers. How can you use Twitter ad targeting to increase your online visibility to attract new customers?

There are many steps to getting this done. Of course, you need to post to your Twitter profile, but it requires more than that if you are an unknown company. Here are 7 tips to get you started on Twitter advertising.

1. Does Your Twitter Add Value to Others?

One of the main issues people have with following businesses on Twitter is that they only post about their company. That may work if you only wanted your investors to follow you or customers that you already have.

Instead, less than 50% of your posts should be about your company. Otherwise, your posts need to add value to your potential customers. If you’re a B2B company, you should post articles that provide business tips.

If you sell straight to consumers, you need to post helpful articles for them. It requires you to know your target audience.

2. How Often Do You Post?

For Twitter, you should post at least 5 times a day. Why? If you have a twitter user that is following you and follows over 1,000 people, posts only stay on the first page of their feed for about a minute or less.

Also, if people are searching for posts based on hashtags, how popular the hashtag is will dictate how long your post will stay at the top of the list. This is why you should post at least 5 times a day, so you have a better chance to be seen.

However, don’t annoy your followers with too many posts. Posting more than 10 times a day can get annoying unless you have international customers and you post on a 24-hour basis.

3. Are You Using Hashtags?

Here’s where a high follower count can help you. Having hashtags is great, except when someone searches a hashtag, Twitter automatically sends them to the “Top” list or the most popular posts for that hashtag. This means the only posts that show up first are the ones people liked and retweeted the most.

The best way to get to that spot is to first have your followers like the post or retweet it. If the hashtag isn’t that popular, it will only take a few likes to make it to the top list.

The more popular the hashtag is the more likes or retweets you’ll need to get to the top of that list. Then your post will be on the first page that people see when they search the hashtag.

4. Are You Engaging Your Audience?

In order to get and keep your followers, you need to retweet their posts! Support other small businesses (that aren’t your immediate competition) by retweeting their posts.

Most companies will eventually return the favor, follow you, or end up remembering your name when they need to use services or products like yours. This works the same for consumers, if they are a potential customer, retweet their tweets.

If someone retweets you or replies to you, answer. People want to know they are talking to a real person and not interacting with a robot. This works the same for consumers, if they are a potential customer, retweet their tweets.

If someone retweets you or replies to you, answer. People want to know they are talking to a real person and not interacting with a robot.

5. Do You Follow Your Followers?

If someone follows you, they usually expect you to follow them back. Otherwise, later on, they will unfollow you, which can reduce your follower count. Of course, don’t follow everyone, there are Facebook bots and some people who post offensive topics that you should avoid.

If you want to keep your higher follower count, you’ll want to follow back most of them. Once you get a follower count closer to 1000, you can ease up on that a little.

The more followers you get the less you’ll have to follow people back. The higher your follower count the more people will want to follow you and be followed by you.

Also, follow more people. Don’t wait for followers. Most people will follow you back, so aim for your target audience. Follow them in the hopes that they follow you so that they will see your posts.

6. Use Comics and Pictures

People like fun content that makes them think. So package your point in something that is interesting to look at and falls somewhere between informational and entertaining rather than persuasive or promotional.

Depending on the nature of your business, it’s okay to be sassy. If you choose a graphic that has a bit of snark in it, then that increases the odds someone will share it to prove a point.

As long as you’re not alienating your target market, you’re doing it right.

7. Promote Other People’s Content

Social media will always have an element of networking. You need a following, and so does everyone else who is investing time in Twitter. So find collaborators that aren’t direct competitors.

If you do financial consulting, link to a trusted tax accountant’s content. Create a reciprocal, informal agreement Both groups get stronger.

Twitter is what you make of it. The best way to grow a strong network of subscribers and customers is to have content that’s engaging and useful, even if you don’t get sales from an individual post or two.

Twitter Ad Targeting Best Practices

Why do you want to do all this? To get new customers. These are customers you may not even run into with your normal marketing.

Once you get a high number of followers, new people will want to follow you. Then, you’ll have more people to retweet your posts and you will be seen by even more people who follow them. The more people who know you, the more online visibility you will get.

Now, this can be a lot of work. If you need help with your twitter ad targeting, we can help you! Just contact us so we can get started!

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